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we work

Mission work connects the Netherlands to God’s worldwide church

We believe in the church! It is a unique place that God has given us to grow in faith together and to share the Gospel with others. For this reason, we invest in local church communities together with churches in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. We long for the existence of communities where people can find God in every place in this world.

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Our partners: churches in approximately 30 countries

Missionary work is not a one-way street. We work in collaboration with local churches, or – if there are none – with local Christians. Together we look at what it takes to share the Gospel. Our partner churches and we stand side by side and we want to learn from them. That makes us unique.

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Supported by: 450 church communities in the Netherlands

Missionary work is always done as a community. That is why GZB works in collaboration with church communities in the Netherlands. They are invited to serve with the Church worldwide in missions. As such, we do not just send workers abroad, but are also called ourselves to share the Gospel in the Netherlands. That makes missionary work so exciting: we help each other and learn from each other as a church worldwide!


With help of: more than 50 missionary workers

We send out people who have the desire and skills to help church communities grow. They serve the church and supports it in its mission. This is done through educational support, providing training, giving advice and practical participation in church projects. Our missionary workers are a crucial connecting link with the church in the Netherlands.

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Investing together in: 7 focus areas

The work we are involved in, could be expressed in 7 focus areas:
1. Training church leaders
2. Development of faith of church members
3. Investment in youth work
4. Looking after your neighbour
5. Reaching others with the Gospel
6. Founding new congregations
7. Caring for creation